Every year the Bremerton School District must apply for Federal Impact Aid funds from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds compensate the District for the loss of local tax dollars due to families living in tax exempt federal property in the Bremerton area.
The District receives approximately $300,000 in funding from the annual Impact Aid survey. Funds are used for basic education programs districtwide - benefitting all BSD students!
It is critical that we receive this completed form information from every household in the District (one per family).
We are sending a paper copy home with your child today. Please return tomorrow!
The district only reports the number of students living with families who live on and/or work on federal property. We do not report information about individual students to the Department of Education.
If you have more questions, contact our Student Data Team at 360-473-1076 or Student.Data@BremertonSchools.org. Thank you for your cooperation and support!