Dear Families,
Thank you to everyone who attended our Book Showcase! 📖✨ We had an incredible turnout, with 223 people joining us to celebrate the love of reading. It was inspiring to see so many students and families engaged in literacy and exploring new books together. Events like these remind us how powerful our school community is when we come together to support learning!
As we move into March, be sure to check the calendar for important dates, including family conferences 🗓️, 5th grade camp and spring break 🌸. This is a great time to connect with teachers about student progress and set goals for the rest of the school year.
We listened to your input to shape a new vision, and now we’d love to hear what you think about what we’ve created! 😊📢 Your feedback will help us fine-tune and strengthen our vision for our students and community! 🏫✨
English Feedback
Spanish Feedback
Warm regards, Principal Powell and Principal Potis West Hills STEM Academy Principals
Thank you for attending our Book Showcase! Your support and enthusiasm help foster a love of reading in our students. We appreciate you taking the time to explore their work and celebrate their growth as readers. Your involvement makes a difference!
We L💙V E our Community Partners! |
Thank you Kitsap Regional Library for attending West Hills Literacy Night!
As a community partner KRL provides many resources to West Hills Families. Visit KRL.org/remoteprint, library cardholders receive a $10 weekly credit for printing.
We L💙V E our Community Partners! |
The Magic of Reading at Home!
Reading at home is a great way to support your child’s learning—and it can be fun too! Whether your child reads to you, you read to them, or you take turns, every moment with a book builds important skills. The more words children hear, the more their vocabulary grows, helping them become stronger readers and writers. Exploring different topics—fiction, nonfiction, or even comics—expands their knowledge and sparks curiosity.
Make reading interactive by asking questions, acting out scenes, or listening to audiobooks together. Creating a daily reading routine, even just 15 minutes a day, helps build strong habits. And remember, great books don’t have to cost a thing—libraries, book swaps, and free online resources make it easy to keep reading fresh and exciting. However you do it, snuggle up, grab a book, and enjoy the magic of reading together!
Ashley Rundhaug
Literacy Specialist
Phonics/Foundational Skills: Phoneme isolation (beginning, middle, final), segmenting and High frequency words.
ELA: Character, setting, plot.
Writing: Finish opinion writing.
Math: Compose and decompose numbers 0-10.
SEL: Cooperation and Second Step-Having fun with our friends.
Phonics/Foundational Skills: Whole group long vowel teams. Small groups based on individual student needs to fill gaps, maintain learning, and extend learning to include blending CVC words, digraphs and blends, letter names and sounds, CVCe, vowel teams, etc.
ELA: group work - Long vowels including CVCe and vowel teams. Reading sight words. Reading passages with fluency. Individual work that aligns with student needs.
Writing: Legibly writing sentences from models with capitalization and punctuation. Writing about a topic. Learning paragraph writing with First, Next, Then, and Last.
Math: using multiple strategies to complete mixed addition and subtraction word problems through 20, including story problems with math drawings. Fluently adding and subtracting to 10. Using place value concepts to compare, add,and subtract.
SEL - Cooperation - working together to reach shared goals. Communicating clear directions and using focused listening skills help us work together.
Phonics/Foundational Skills: Sight words, digraphs, long vowels.
ELA: Compare and contrasting stories.
Writing: Writing an informational paragraph.
Math: Addition and subtraction with regrouping, word problems.
SEL: Cooperation.
Phonics/Foundational Skills: R controlled vowels, digraphs.
ELA: Ask and Answer Questions, supporting answer with evidence from text.
Writing: Opinion writing, using a graphic organizer to organize thoughts.
Math: Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
SEL: Cooperation.
Social Studies: Investigating the physical geography of the Northwest and how it affected the tribes culture, economy, and where they choose to settle and trade.
ELA: Finding the theme in fiction text and using RACE to explain their thinking.
Math: Long division of multi digit numbers.
SEL: Using empathy to understand others feelings and how words affect each other.
Science: Investigating living systems, habitats and biomes for Outdoor School!
ELA: Finding the theme in fiction text and using RACE to explain their thinking.
Math: Adding and Subtracting decimals to the thousandths place.
SEL: Identifying problems in our classroom and school community and brainstorming ways to contribute to a solution.
Phonics/Foundational Skills: Phonograms vowel teams and consonant teams.
ELA: Reading informational text and analyzing text structure and points of view.
Writing: Informational Writing: Introduction, supporting details, conclusion.
Math: Multiplication and decimals.
SEL: Values, Cooperation, Problem Solving.
Learn how children's brains process emotions and stress.
Discover simple strategies to help kids regulate their feelings.
Gain tools to create a calm and connected home environment.
Connect with other parents and caregivers in a supportive space. We’d love to see you there!
Click the flyer to register!
3/18 PTA Meeting 5PM
3/25 Conscious Discipline Family Night 5:30 PM-7PM Sign up
3/28 Non Student Day
4/3 Conferences - No School
4/4 Conferences - No School
4/7-4/11 Spring Break - No School
4/24 Conscious Discipline Family Night 5:30 PM-7PM
5/8 STEM Fair 5PM-6:30PM
5/26 Memorial Day - No School
6/20 Last Day of School
West Hills STEM Academy
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Carol Bailie at 360.473.1026, or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremertonschools.org Website Update
We now have a button on the footer of EVERY web page that allows people to translate the entire website into multiple languages - with one “toggle.”
Kimberly Powell
Kimberly is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters